Visual Marketing 101: Unlock the Power of Visual Merchandising

In ecommerce, standing out is everything. Visual marketing can transform your online store from just another site into a memorable brand experience. Unfortunately, many underestimate the power of visual marketing. Often, people think it’s just about visuals and aesthetics.  But visual marketing goes beyond pretty pictures. It’s about tapping into the power of consumer psychology… Continue reading Visual Marketing 101: Unlock the Power of Visual Merchandising

How to Photograph Furniture for Your Ecommerce Store

Follow this step-by-step guide on how to photograph furniture for your ecommerce store, and you’ll be able to take high-quality photos that your customers can trust. Whether it be new, used, damaged, or in perfect condition, selling and buying furniture is stressful for everyone involved. Customers are always looking for an experience that is quick, trustworthy, and… Continue reading How to Photograph Furniture for Your Ecommerce Store

How to Photograph Clothing for Your Ecommerce Store

When you photograph clothing for your ecommerce store, you certainly want to get it right. It can be the difference between closing that sale or the potential customer bouncing off the page. Clothing isn’t as tricky as photographing jewelry as you’re not dealing with small, shiny and detailed pieces but you still need to get… Continue reading How to Photograph Clothing for Your Ecommerce Store

Pixc’s Ultimate Guide to DIY Product Photography

When it comes to ecommerce, high-quality product photography is key to increasing your sales. Product images help convey your products’ value and functionality, without seeing or trying it out in real life. It shows your potential buyers that you are selling it top-notch and worth their hard-earned money.  Unfortunately, not all have the resources to… Continue reading Pixc’s Ultimate Guide to DIY Product Photography

5 Ways Chatbots Can Improve Your Ecommerce Store

Source: Shopify

Last year Facebook introduced a suite of new features for their Messenger platform including bots for messenger. Chatbots, as they have come to be known, have the ability to send and receive messages on your behalf automatically. They achieve this using some clever natural language processing (NLP) that turns regular sentences into structured data. What’s… Continue reading 5 Ways Chatbots Can Improve Your Ecommerce Store

Use These Tips to Improve Your Product Page SEO

A successful product page uses high-quality product photos, digestible content and a clear call to action (CTA) to sell merchandise online. Most people don’t realize that these are also important SEO elements, and with the right tweaks you can turn product pages into a powerful customer acquisition vehicle in organic search. Here are three important things to have… Continue reading Use These Tips to Improve Your Product Page SEO

5 Tips to Increase Ecommerce Sales for Your Store

The new year has arrived, and it’s time to implement new marketing initiatives for your online store! Here are five tips to increase eCommerce sales and boost traffic to make this the best year yet for your online business. 1. Produce problem-solving content Writing content seems easy enough, but writing relevant, useful, problem-solving content that… Continue reading 5 Tips to Increase Ecommerce Sales for Your Store

How to Make a DIY Photography Studio for Product Photos

Does not having access to a professional photography studio mean you’re doomed to have bad product photos? Nope! All you need to take a great product image is a good light source, a stable surface and a setting that complements the product. It’s entirely possible, even easy, to use everyday objects found lying around the house as… Continue reading How to Make a DIY Photography Studio for Product Photos

How to Use Natural Lighting for Product Photos

You might think you need an elaborate set up of professional lighting to take great product photos. But don’t worry! You already have access to one of the best light sources out there: the sun. Take a look at these photos below. They’re pretty professional-looking, don’t you think? Believe it or not, we didn’t take them in… Continue reading How to Use Natural Lighting for Product Photos